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Richie Law

As a former stressed out day trader, I swung into the sports investing market as an outlet from the stocks. It was an easy transition for me and I have developed a way to use my advanced analytic tools which guided me towards promising stocks and applied it to sports investing. I discovered that my education and statistical knowledge allowed me to identify weak betting lines giving me an advantage to predict sports picks that were safer than a blue chip. I provide MLB, NFL, NBA and NCAAB picks for Documented Handicappers and I look forward to giving you sound sports advice.

Website: Richie Law

Community Rating

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Pick Rating: 1: < 51%   2: 51% - 53%   3: 53% - 54%   4: 54% - 58%   5: > 58%
Service Rating: 1: Never Responds   2: Responds Randomly   3: Responds in 6-24 hours   4: Responds in 1-6 Hours   5: Responds in Less then an Hour
Ease of Use: 1: Hard to follow whats going on   2: Unpleasant to visit, but manageable   3: Site is decent   4: Clean site easy to follow
5: Excellent Site, very easy to use
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