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Robin Lyons

Robin Lyons was highly sought after and accepted an apprenticeship last NBA season and performed quite well. In fact, Robin hit 61% of his NBA games last season overall (side and total) and earned a sport on our roster for the 2013-14 season. Robin admits that his maturity and knowledge of sports betting has helped clients invest with confidence over the years and is very excited to join our high profile staff of investors. Robin is an exclusive handicapper with Sports Investor Central and will release only NBA predictions.

Website: Robin Lyons

Community Rating

Pick Rating:
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Ease of Use:
Pick Rating: 1: < 51%   2: 51% - 53%   3: 53% - 54%   4: 54% - 58%   5: > 58%
Service Rating: 1: Never Responds   2: Responds Randomly   3: Responds in 6-24 hours   4: Responds in 1-6 Hours   5: Responds in Less then an Hour
Ease of Use: 1: Hard to follow whats going on   2: Unpleasant to visit, but manageable   3: Site is decent   4: Clean site easy to follow
5: Excellent Site, very easy to use
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